Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gothic Room Creepy Mirror Faces

It had been so long since the last time I had a gluten reaction (I'm ridiculously careful with my food) I forgot that gluten can actually give me nightmares despite the Xyrem. It wasn't so bad compared to my pre-Xyrem dreams but it was still pretty creepy.

In my dream I woke up in my current room to take my next dose of Xyrem, only it didn't look exactly like my real bedroom. There was a giant pile of stuffed animals on one whole wall and they were all lined up in a way that they were staring straight at me. None of them looked friendly. I got up to go to the bathroom, but it was really hard to keep my eyes open because I was sleepy and it was hard to see where I was going. When I got in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my face looked really creepy and skull-like. I started to make different faces and it all just looked really scary- like in the mirror my grin would get unnaturally large until it was coming off of my face, and various parts of my face would stretch around unnaturally. I could feel it too- it didn't hurt but I could literally feel my mouth stretching out and the muscles migrating around.

After that I got sidetracked doing something else. I think I was trying to get dressed up for something, only I couldn't find what I was looking for. My room was really gothic. There were skulls on everything and there were a lot of little silver statues. I kept looking at the stuffed animals and their eyes would follow me as I moved around the room. I think there was some sort of plot for the next part of the dream involving my mom or something, but I don't remember. I just remember towards the end of the dream I was back in the bathroom making creepy faces again and scaring myself so that I started to get paralyzed. It never really took hold though, and I woke up suddenly and left the light on after that.

Today I feel like someone stabbed the inside of my entire digestive tract over and over. So I'm going to call my neurologist and tell him that Nuvigil is a no.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a good thing that the faces you make in the mirror when you are awake are less creepy than the faces you made in the mirror in the nightmare...
