Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Errands Visit Art Hotel

Last night I was visiting my grandparents, only it was weird because I wasn't enjoying myself. We were going to go get breakfast at a restaurant (I wasn't on the GF diet in this particular dream, which was unusual) but my grandmother kept running errands first. We went to the grocery store about four seperate times, to a fabric store, to see a play at a little theater, and even to this beautiful old church that had parts of it that looked like ancient ruins. Eventually when we had gotten in the car again I complained that I was getting hungry enough to be really dizzy. My grandma said there was just one more errand to run. We got to this hotel place that looked like it belonged in England, the back room of which was an art gallery with cool handmade art books in it. I went back there to look at them while I was waiting on my grandparents, who were talking to the front desk. There were a lot of mismatched chairs with other people waiting, and I looked at the books and then sat down in a really comfortable cushy one. When I got up to go see if it was time to leave yet someone stole my chair- they moved my stuff onto the floor and everything. But around then the dream changed, and it turned out I was the manager of the art gallery and I had to call all these people and try to arrange for a different exhibit to come in, only I really didn't know what to say or how to explain things over the phone. I was afraid I was going to get everyone confused by not knowing exactly what was going on. To top it off I started falling asleep just standing there, and instead of fighting it I sat down and leaned on the wall and started dreaming I was somewhere warm and fluffy. It was a really nice dream- I was wrapped in a cloud or something (but it was pink, lol), and it was very comfortable, like a fluffy blanket. I woke up from that into reality.

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