Friday, January 1, 2010

Hitting Pause

Well, I know I said I was going to keep taking Nuvigil, but I couldn't bring myself to take it yesterday morning. For one thing, I was so nauseated that I wasn't sure it would stay down. For another, I'd been having steadily worsening stomach cramps since I started it and therefore no appetite, which is not something I enjoy. But let's face it, it was the cookies that were the last straw. It was my birthday and my mom had made cookies for me (gluten and soy-free, of course, but still quite tasty), and I knew I would have no urge to eat even one if I took Nuvigil. And so I didn't, and sure enough I was getting hungry again by the middle of the day. I got to eat two cookies and so I think it was worth it.

That's not to say that I'm giving up on Nuvigil just yet. Someone left me a very helpful comment on my last entry, saying that at least two of the problems it was causing me went away for her after awhile. Which is very encouraging. I was definitely beginning to feel sleepy again even a couple of hours after not taking Nuvigil, and it's a strange thing: you don't realize how easy life is without the constant urge to sleep until it is gone, but then it's so easy to take for granted.

So I'm going to take my samples with me tomorrow and most likely try again soon. Just not on my birthday, or before having to get up early to travel.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you for not giving up, but also for knowing when to take a break. I fully support allowing yourself to enjoy (and to eat) the birthday cookies. As an aside, were they from a recipe or was your mom using a mix from a store - I am always looking for good gluten-free treats! Please keep posting about how it goes with Nuvigil. I had a terrible experience with Provigil (massive anxiety - which is saying a lot because my depression manifests as anxiety even without any arousal meds), but would love to try NuVigil simply to see if it might work better than amphetamine (Adderall) which shoots my BP sky high (and causes me to take yet another pill). Cheers!
