Saturday, March 26, 2011

I Must Be Insane

Oh Wait! I AM!

Well, I've been thinking a lot about this idea for over a year. It may be some crazy dream that won't happen, or else maybe I can end up contributing to the world, I don't know. I don't pretend that this is going to necessarily work out. But it's something I feel that I have to do.

I'm tired of going into the health section of bookstores and finding nothing about Narcolepsy or what it's like to experience this illness. I'm tired of keeping my feelings and thoughts in a small corner of the internet where only a small audience can find them, afraid to give this link to too many people I actually know. I'm also tired of "not contributing financially" to my family and getting crap for it. And so, for better or worse, I'm going to attempt something outrageous. I'm going to write a book.

I'm under no illusions about instant fame (HA) or even my slim chances of ever finding someone to publish such a thing. I make no promises, except that I'm going to write this thing and if no one else will have it, at the very least I can put it online somewhere and link you, my mysteriously interested small audience.

I have hope that I can get something interesting down because this has been stewing in the back of my mind for a year, and suddenly it's taken a sort of feverish hold on me. So there it is: my new project. A book about Narcolepsy.

Who the heck knows why my brain has grabbed onto this. All I know is that I know better than to ask. I'll just go with it, and see what happens.

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