Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Little Things

I finally got smart this morning and put my dog on my mom's treadmill instead of walking him. He took to it pretty well, though it was pretty funny because he kept wandering around on it at first. We found a speed that he liked, and I stood over him with my feet on either side so I could use the leash to keep him from jumping off. He did some experimenting with jumping up and down while it was going, which was cute. I'm just happy that he wasn't at all scared and got some good exercise. He walked while I stood for 45 minutes and we were both much happier today. I definitely think that this will work at least until there's no longer a hole in the bottom of my foot, and after that I'm thinking I might start doing one treadmill walk and one outdoors walk every day. That way we still get to explore the outside world, but he gets enough exercise and I don't get too much.

Because I didn't try to exercise this morning, I actually had a little extra energy. I still crashed after lunch and then again after errands, but I got a lot of little things done in between naps. I now have food and a mostly clean room, my trash is taken out, and the best part of all is that I'm not flat on the couch for the rest of the day as a result. Not like there isn't still a lot on my to-do list, but I've made a respectable amount of progress today and I'm just happy that it's going so much better than yesterday. Life is much more enjoyable when you're even slightly less exhausted.

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