Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dragon-Smuggler Wizard Trains

Last night I was in London, only it was Harry Potter London- I was a student at Hogwarts who was wandering around in London for some reason, and I couldn't use magic because it was between terms. I kept accidentally ending up in the Muggle world and having trouble getting back; I spent a lot of time wandering around King's Cross, looking from platform 9 3/4, and trying to find the Leaky Cauldron.

At one point I was in this interesting train system for wizards, and it looked like an ordinary subway except that the platforms had stalagtites and stalagmites everwhere, and the trains were so fast that getting from one station to the next just took a split second. I had found someone in my class at Hogwarts (who was actually someone I know at my real college) and was trying to catch up to him to ask him about one of our summer homework assignments, but he kept not hearing me. Then there was some other plot involving a baby dragon that my mom was carrying around in a baby carrier thing on her back. It was pudgy and pretty adorable, but it kept fussing and drawing attention to us when we were trying to be stealthy. I don't remember what we were doing with it, but we ended up in a Muggle high school, where I started looking around for a bathroom. I eventually found one but it was really gross and I couldn't get the door to lock. People kept opening the door and looking in, and then I was somehow at a relatives' house at a family reunion, and my mom was showing the baby dragon to everybody.

After that I woke up. I have a feeling there will be a lot more Harry Potter dreams in the next couple of months, as I'm rereading the entire series.

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