Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tornado Cruise Jewelry Thief

Last night I had some pretty interesting dreams. In one I was in my current house and I heard this weird noise like a train. I looked out a window and saw a huge tornado. It was really close to the house, like tearing up the street outside, but I knew it wouldn't actually hurt the house unless it touched it directly. As I watched, a bunch of people who were walking around on the sidewalks got sucked up into it, including this guy and his big dog. I looked around and found my dog and grabbed him up. I couldn't remember what you're supposed to do if there's a tornado, so I just stood next to the window (haha that's a good plan) hoping it would go away. Which worked, presumably because it was my dream even though I didn't realize this at the time. But then I heard the sound again only higher pitched, and looked out to see a really small and skinny tornado had just formed. The people outside weren't running away, though, because all it could pick up were leaves. I decided that it was kind of cute and watched it for awhile. It was very twisty but mostly harmless.

Then I was on a cruise ship with my parents (who looked like the Weasleys from Harry Potter because I'm rereading that right now) and met this nice Japanese guy who asked me to marry him. I agreed because he seemed nice enough even though I really didn't think he was attractive. o.O Yeah, good idea, dream self. XD But anyway. We started wandering around the ship exploring places and it was kind of creepy so I was glad someone was with me. There were a lot of damp, dark rooms under the ship with various machinery in them. We got creeped out down there and went upstairs to the deck to look at the ocean, which was pretty even though it was dark. Then people kept showing up and staring at us and being weird, so we went to this library with couches that was well-lit and full of people and hung out in there for awhile. I'm pretty sure there was more after that, like we went on land and there was something about a restaurant, but I don't remember it now. The funny thing is that I think the guy was specifically Japanese because I found my old notes from Japanese class last night and was glancing over them, and my brain wanted an excuse to practice it again, lol.

In my last dream I was this travelling thief who had two accomplices- one was a high school friend and the other was one of my cousins. We were going around to jewelry stores and taking things to sell later. We kept almost getting caught and it was pretty stressful, and we would have to drive away really fast in my real life car. We had a mall we would hide in until the people stopped chasing us, and when we got there we would change our clothes and haircuts so we wouldn't be recognized later. And we would sleep behind shelves and under clothing racks after closing. At one point we ended up fleeing the scene and having to run across this impossibly tiny ledge about twenty feet off the ground. It scared me because I know my balance sucks and that if I fell it could kill me, but I made it across barely. Then we ended up staying at this weird hotel with like cubicles, and the bed was really high off the ground- like ten feet up, and I decided to just sleep on the floor because I had had enough of heights for one day.

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