Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Wish This Was Interesting

Today was a serious case of wanting to accomplish something but being too tired. So instead I watched tv until my eyes hurt from staring at a screen for too long, then read the bad fantasy novel I'm currently working on until I got fed up with the pointless drama and found myself skimming more than reading. And then I played silly games on my iphone for awhile.

Well, I guess I did do something with my day- I went to lunch with my dad and dinner with a friend, so I didn't even have to cook. That was pretty nice. But most of my day was spent lying around wishing I was doing something else. To be fair, I did try to draw a couple of times during the day, but just ended up staring into space and zoning out after a few minutes. Yeah, a sinus infection is definitely in the works.

Even right now I would like to be writing about something interesting, but instead I really need to just go lay down again. So never mind.

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