Monday, July 27, 2009

Not Dead Yet

Most of a week of antibiotics later I'm doing a little better. I'm less gunky and have a little more energy and my stomach at least hasn't fallen out yet, even though it feels like it wants to. I had the weirdest night sleep ever for a couple of nights- I actually was completely out in three hour spurts, with no dreams, hallucinations or even awareness mixed in. I'm pretty sure that's what it's like for normal people when they sleep, or at least that's what I've heard, haha. But it is sad to not have any bizarre dream stories to tell.

I'm very impressed, however, with the fact that I'm mostly caught up with homework right now. I say mostly because I'm still trying to figure out this week's Flash homework, which I unfortunately missed the lecture on. The instructor sent me links to tutorials, which are helping a little, but I'm easily frustrated with these things because I have such a clear picture of exactly what I want and computer programs tend to get in the way. I can't help thinking how much easier it would be to just draw the damn thing on a piece of paper, which is silly because the point of this class is to learn the software. I'm pretty confident that I can figure this out, though. Definitely with three more days of fiddling.

Of course because there's absolutely no way I have the energy to work on non-homework art right now, I'm suddenly struck with a lot of inspiration. That always seems to happen- as soon as I have some free time and energy, I don't have any good ideas, but the second I have homework to do, am sick and have even less energy than usual, I get tons of great ideas. Right now I have at least five. Well, maybe after this week I'll be feeling good enough to get some of it on paper in addition to everything else I need to do.

1 comment:

  1. It is cool that you at almost caught up, although I wish your sinus infection was better (man, do I HATE sinus infections). I also hope you figured out the Flash assignment. As for the inspiration, does it ever work to jot the idea down? I realize that it is likely an awesome image, but I know I have been able to "catch" a couple of cool insights when I am able to jot them quickly and then work on them later. Cheers!
